Tuesday, January 23, 2007

the path of extraordinary men

last sunday, me and my friend have had lunch at "Gulai kawah" food stall near Pantai Dalam komuter station..

it was quite late for lunch time, around 3 o'clock. doesnt matter, we were starving..

after we finished our plate off, but please, not a single bite at the plates, as usual we smoked..

for sometime we talked about memories in school.. he told his story, i told mine..

and then suddenly i said, aku masa sekolah langsung tak struggle, tapi result ok jugak...

he said, aku pon tak jugak.. pemalas aku ni.. siot tul..

me again.. kadang2 aku nyesal jugak tak struggle.. masuk U, kena kick out.. sib baik U panggil balik, and aku abis jugak.. ye la kan, aku tak reti nak struggle sebab dari sekolah camtu..

and then he said.. tu laaa... aku pon rasa sedikit menyesal.. tapi tak pe laa.. dah sampai tahap ni, ok la jugak kan.. dah abis belajar, dah keje.. tapi aku terkilan jugak la, aku macam apa pon takde dalam hidup aku...

i smiled.. aku rasa kita tak perlu menyesal.. kita dah sedar apa yg tak kena dah cukup bagus.. learn from it.. walaupon aku pernah kena kick out, aku langsung tak ralat.. bukan eksyen.. tu adalah pengalaman paling berharga aku rasa.. dari situ, aku bangun balik.. berjaya abiskan study.. kat tempat yang sama.. walaupon lambat.. tak senang ko nak tabahkan hati.. ye tak?

tu la ko... he hehehe me.. smirking.. damn!!!

from the conversation i made my own conclusion...

"Orang luar biasa takkan melalui jalan yang biasa..." hehehe...

the most important thing is not the result, but how you handle yourself with the challenges you have faced, how u endure yourself in the path you choose..

and then, the result will come.. the quality of the result depend on how hard you struggle, how brilliant you face the challenge, how hard the challenges was.. and, above all of that, how much you have learnt..

challenges can be viewed from many perspectives.. what your perspective is will determine what you will learn, how much you will learn..

i learnt much from the past... and never regret is my motto.. haha.. i dont want to be extraordinary man.. i just want a happy life like everybody else..

i want to be a better man..

for myself, my family and if GOD give me strength, for my country as well..



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