Tuesday, February 27, 2007

when the time come

when the time come, we will be born..
when the time come, we will walk..
when the time come, we will talk..
when the time come, we will learn how to do what people do..

when the time come,
we will realize every people is same..
when the time come,
we will see the boundaries in our head.. skin colors, races and hierachy..

when the time come, we will get marry..
when the time come, we will have childrens..
when the time come, we will get sick..
yes, in the other words, when the time come, we will get older..

when the time come, everything that we are worry about is around the corner..
when the time come, we will be there..
when the time come, we realize why we are so worry..
when the time come, we realize we are sorry..
when the time come, we realize that we are ready..

preventive is better than cure.. prevent when you still have time..
when the time come, you will face it with brain..
when the time come, you will know that you are strong..

PROBLEM is always there.. you are on the road to them.. when the time come, you will face them..

PROBLEM.. sometime it really matters to one, but not the others.. same matter will give headache to some, not to other some..

the word 'problem' can be repalced by anything.. happiness, sadness, grieveness.. everything is same, it just the way we approach them..

and only the matter of time, you will face 'em.. prevent and prepared.. you will face them with brain..


Monday, February 26, 2007

very tired

day of tiredness..

last saturday i was going back to my hometown.. my sister in law's enggagement ceremony. i just dont want to miss it. it was a family function and i want to be there..

however, it was very tired weekend.. but i was really happy.. of course i was happy when i can see in my wife's eyes how happy she was... :) pretty smile that i cant never forget.. my god, i love her so much...

i was heading back to kl with my friend, very old friend... all the way back, my job was talking non-stop so he can stay focus on the wheel.. and i was success.. 9.30 pm to 2.30 am, everything went well all the way... thank god.. alhamdulillah..

reaching my home around 2.30, i went out again to meet my another old friends at TTDI. very long time no see, and i guess it was a mistake that i made today... but it's ok, i'm happy to see them..

now, i'm at the office with sleepy head, heavy eyes... i drove here from home in safety mode because i barely open my eyes while driving.. alhamdulillah, i'm here safely.. i'm still thinking how to get back home after work safely.. soo tired.. and happy.. :)

tired is happy.. adios..


Thursday, February 22, 2007

what did i learn??

Gong Xi Fa Cai...

Festive season, again.. the most exciting phenomena in Malaysia, truly Asia... hehehehe... more holidays... hehehe... and also more traffic jam, more uprising tickect price, more headache.. GRRRR..

but it is ok as long as it is a holiday... a long holiday... :)

17th Feb to 20th Feb.. 4 days holiday... best...

my journey started at 7pm 16th Feb, pickup my brother and sisters, from KL to Klang to KL.. damn tired...

after dinner around 11.30 pm, the real journey begin.. Jln Duta Toll, so quiet.. not many cars around.. and i thought it was a good thing but, gooosh!!! after 10 minutes drive, it was a long traffic jam from where we were to God knows where... 20km/j every 5 minutes and then stop for one minute.. HUARGGGGH!!!!!!!!!!!! tension gilos...

i was putting all my patient together, and drove so politely.. hmmm... after 2 hours, the signboard shows exit to Rawang, fuuuhhh!!! this exit is my savior... all the way to Slim River i used the toll free road.. it's more convenient.. no pay at all.. save more fuel.. no tension and i felt really calm.. pueh hati den... 80-110 kmj, as makan kacang poteh... yeeaah!!!!

7 am 17th Feb.. here we come b'worth... so beautiful.. hehehe... quite a long journey, and i was very sleepy.. my sisters went back home by bus and i went to my mum in law's house with my brother... we slept like kangaroo... hahahaha... whatever it was like, i dont care... hehehehehe...

what i have learn from the journey...??? be brave to take action, to make a decision.. stick to the course... eeeerrrr.. whatever i did learn, thank God we are all safe all the way home...

other than that, i learned that in our life,

our journey is not one way journey..
our journey is not one path journey...
every path you may take, you will reach upcoming junction..
and you have to choose which way you should go..
and again, junction and choose.. untill you reach your goal..
after that, you have to plan for your next goal..
and then, the journey start again..
and plan your goal again...

it'll never stop... that is the way it is.. so, stop complaining.. just be brave to make a choice, a decision.. sooner you decide, less tension you will get.. cool??? hmmm...

adios guys...


Thursday, February 15, 2007

12th and 13th february 2007..

i was attending a course organized by my company.. a good one i think..

" Negotiation Skill "

the course was held at one of a few star hotel in subang.. quite a course it is.. i enjoyed it most of the time..

the things is, i dont really agree with the theory of negotiation, but you have to do the way the theory is to success in negotiation..

in the other words, you have to do what you are not believe in.. so, most of the time i try to figure out a reasons or looking for something i can hold onto, to force myself to partly believe in what i have to do based on the theory we have learned, at least..

and then the magical moment arrived.. the lecturer said something which is very important to me..

"money is not everything... personal gain normally is nothing.. we have to be sincere when we offer something because most of the people, they only care about the one they love.. their family and maybe friends.. sometime they really care about what people is going to say, sometime their hobbies... so, it's not about money.. maybe just part of it.."

"so, in negotiation, our currency is heart.. establish relationship is not that we entertaint them the best we can, or we give everything they want.. but it is about being their friend, in sense of really a friend, not just to gain something.. sometime we need to share experience, expertise, knowledge, or to share time together doing the same hobby.. it is not easy to find somebody which have same interest as you.. once you find one, just be a good friend.."

"success is measured by how many books you have read, how many friends you have get by the time flies year to year.."

"most of the time, people buy things not because of the things.. but because of what we can offer them in exchange.. dont get me wrong, we are not talking about bribery, we are talking about giving back as a human.. person to person.. why dont we just be friend.. a good friend to a good friend.. we give them a good relationship.. is that cool?? so to do that we must be very sincere, do not think about taking advantage on our friend.. and of course they will have a soft spot for us.. it's not us to decide, it's their's.. you never know, maybe it will be a relationship that long lasting.."

it's all that i can remember.. actually it is not the actual how the lecturer say it, i write it the way i remember it.. maybe got some modification...



Wednesday, February 14, 2007

From PD to TD

Company event at Pangkor Island..

telok dalam resort, pulau pangkor...
8,9,10 february 2007..

mmm... how was it going??

boring... but oklaaaa... i started to know my colleague n my bosses..

how was the activity??

boring.. but still oklaa.. quite enjoy, in sense of group game.. but very boring when it come to individual activity.. i just stayed at my room, play PS2, watch DVD.. other than that, playing pingpong and pool.. where was the other sports?? i hope, i can play football or futsal, but jgn harap laaa...

how was the journey...??

the most boring one.. hmm... no more comment about it..

are you enjoy??

in sense of knowing people, yes.. but if you ask me "do u want to be in that trip again??"... my answer will be never... :D

ok guys.. adios..


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

at 1500 today...


"hello!! Wiramaju Tuah ye??"

"ye.. ada apa boleh saya tolong??"

"saya ingat nak claim warranty utk Safetint yg pasang kat kereta saya.. hari ni free tak??"

"hari ni penuh la encik... kena buat appoinment dulu... bila encik nak buat??"

"appoinment??? hari ni ja saya free, takkan takleh nak selit satu kereta lagi.."

"kita tak cukup org encik.. ada 2 kereta yg kena buat full replacement.."

"abis tu, bila saya boleh buat??"

"khamis atau jumaat la..."

"tak boleh... sgt2 tak boleh .. sabtu, ahad bukak??"

"tutup la encik.."

"sudahlah.." (apa punya customer service centre laaa... time cuti patut bukak laa..)

that was what happen today just 2 hours ago.. really burn up my emotion... what the hack, tau amik projek tatau nak bagi servis ka???

i was really angry... why proton never overview their bisnes partner's customer service in order to take a good care of their reputation and respectful name (respect??)... damn...

but i am cool now... adios..


this week

today is wednesday...

monday always a bad day to me.. last monday everything went wrong.. i lost my access card, i cant focus on my job, i really confused, having very bad mood all day long..

tuesday, good day.. settle my job, and was enjoying my time at the office...

today, i cant really sleep last nite.. woke up late is the last thing that should happen everyday.. now.. i dont know what to do...

tomorow, office trip to pulau pangkor.. tak bestnyaaaa... i dont want to go.. but then, they will cut my salary if i dont show up.. leceh tul... belasah je laaa..

i hope tomorow is a good journey... adios...


Monday, February 05, 2007

A Week Passed By

ONE week passed by.. i was going through one 'rojak' week.. happyness and happiness.. never sad.. :D

almost 2 weeks i didnt stop by here.. so no idea..

last 2 weekends, i was at 'kampong'.. enjoy... eat.. sleep.. eat.. sleep.. best..

and then last week i went to Terengganu and Pahang on a work trip.. with my boss.. boring journey.. but i did learn many things.. ok laaa... using my car??? damn..!! 3 days and 2 nites.. i will get used to that kind of journey.. it's my job..

wednesday, my mum n dad was here.. best gak.. :D sending my sister to her school.. so far from home..

Thursday.. holiday.. thaipusam.. to whom that celebrate this 'raya', happy thaipusam.. to those who are not, how was your day?? sleep all day long?? naaaah!!! it's not me...

oklaaa... have to go.. i am working.. adios..
