Friday, March 02, 2007

money go-round

Februayry, 28 2007... paycheck cash in.. what a relief..

money is always go round like merry go-round at the funfair....

1st of all, car installment...
then, pay what you owed from friends...
then, keep some for petrol, toll tickect, emergency case of car break down...
then, my wife get some...
then, my parent, if they needed..
then, buy something for me self and my wife..
then... that is it.. the rest is for surviving untill next paycheck..

where all the money go?? they are going around the big circle of course...

the money go round, me stay put, stand still... no more money to go around..

the money go round, me go straight, and come back straight.. go to work, back home.. same route, same routine...

every month.. same... whatever.. :P

who am i??

a small pawn on a chess board??
**do your job, for the big course.. follow the system.. and remember, just follow..!!!!!!!!!!!**

or a metal ball in pinball??
**keep moving, or you will gone from the system.. you are not always lucky to go back to the ignition point... few chances, you're already blew some of it..**

ok cut it off.. it's a boring topic...

last nite, i watched 'Numb3rs' at AXN.. i'm sure many knows about this series.. in this episodes, one thing that really get into my head is how to define dimension.. 2 dimension and 3 dimension..

on the cupboard, or paper, we can draw a cube.. which is a 3-D image, and we accept it as a cube like a real cube.. and also we can imagine the other side of the cube.. human imagination is always unacceptable... far beyond the 7th sky.. but, we always forgot, that drawing is not in 3-D mode.. it is in 2-D mode.. the cube we drew always just a drawing...

and in our life, there is time when we use our brain, i mean thinking in 2-D mode, and sometime in 3-D mode.. it's magnificient right???

ok, what is 2-D??? it means, 2 axis.. X axis, and Y axis..

3-D means X axis, Y axis and Z axis...

all the axis, coming from one point.. it's a neutral point, or zero point...

2-D mode of thinking normally it's about cause and action.. when you do this, this will happen.. or this is what you get...

3-D mode is more complicated... normally it's about cause and action in a time frame... when you do this, this time, this will happen... but if you change the time, something else will happen.. sometime, you change the action and the time frame, the same outcome you will get.. sometime the outcome and time is fixed, the action maybe more complicated or more easy..

i impressed with the explanation in that series.. it's very mathematical.. but it's fit into your life perfectly, you can say it in numbers... AMAZING.....

unconciously we are using both mode everyday..
and, of course some level of people only used one mode of thinking, some of them used both... can you imagine if there are some level of people who can think in 4-D mode...???

what is 4 Dimension??? please refer to .. oh MY GOD...!!! it's really amazing..

if there is people who can think in this mode, it's unimaginable...

GOD.. it's cool.. adios...



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